

Iโ€™m the cousin you love at family gathering, you know the favorite! Whatโ€™s up Iโ€™m Arielle, have you heard my podcast Astrology and Chill, itโ€™s on the...Full Bio


Instagram Update: Insta-Polls

Welcome to the 21st Century where we talk to people on social media like they're the homies but walk past them on the street like they're strangers. Need a quick answer so you google it right? Psssh, why do that when you can post a status on Facebook. 

All sarcasm aside Instagram rolled out it's the newest feature that'll help you make let me correct that it'll let other people weigh in on your decision process. 

All hope wasn't lost this could actually be a good thing. I mean there are some pretty funny people on IG that can make anything a good joke. After scrolling through #instapoll I've abandoned all hope for people born after December 1989. 

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